I’m a beginner watercolorist and this process description is very helpful. I look forward to seeing one of your compositions on/in the New Yorker soon!

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Excited about the book!

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Very helpful! Particularly your language in describing the three variables to creating a piece, and the different questions to ask / elements to consider. Thanks! Exciting news about your book also! I say ugh to the New Yorker.

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I would like to give your teacher a piece of my mind. Da Vinci and all the old masters copied and traced endlessly.. they never stopped. A friend used to say,”Not everyone can trace”. So many abstract artists learned to draw from tracing comic books.

I really like your thumbnail process.

Before the Olympics, I would have been up there with the pigeon wanting to wreck havoc. Feelings changed once it began. So many Parisians missed out big time by running away. So I think your basic concept is maybe too negative for the New Yorker to embrace. I could be totally misunderstanding. “Is it fun?” TMI

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