I love all of this, as an art lover/writer/collage artist/armchair historian, and I heartily second the recommendation of smaller unusual places - the Bangkok Folk Museum is marvelous, and in a far neighborhood with excellent street food.

I also take tons of photos in museums + pics of the didactics because I will otherwise forget the details I want to use later in writing.

Thank you for sharing, I’ll be getting Emma’s book asap. ♥️

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Hi Stephanie, thanks so much for your lovely insights. Emma's book is a gem.

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This is such an important lesson:

"As a working artist, it’s so important to develop archives of my own reference images to avoid falling into the sameness of Google Image research. "

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Thanks Jason! I've seen food illustrations in magazines done by other artists and I know the exact same strawberry photo they are working from. It's nuts. Best, jkw

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